Tag: Farm Finance (page 3 of 3)

Financial incentives for switching to electric commercial vehicles

Did you know that there are financial incentives available to help your business make the switch to cost-effective and environmentally friendly electric vehicles?

There is no time like the present to begin doing your part in looking after our planet and helping to tackle climate change.

There are many changes that businesses can make to become more socially and environmentally responsible. But for businesses that operate commercial vehicles, switching from petrol or diesel to electric vehicles is a good place to start.

Electric vehicles are virtually silent and emit zero emissions, so making the switch will go a long way in reducing your business’ carbon footprint.

Aside from the environmental benefits, there are also plenty of financial incentives out there to reward businesses that decide to make the switch, so what’s not to like?

Low running and maintenance costs

As well as looking after our environment, operating electric vehicles can help to look after your business’ finances too. Whilst electric vehicles can be more expensive to buy, this cost is offset by their comparatively low running and maintenance costs, making them a cost-effective option in the long term.

Tax incentives

Here are a few of the tax benefits that your business may be able to benefit from if it uses electric vehicles.

  • Enhanced capital allowance benefits– Claim the entire cost of the vehicle against taxable profits.
  • Exemptionsfrom the following:
  • fuel duty
  • vehicle excise duty
  • company car tax

Government grants

When purchasing an eligible electric vehicle for your business, you may be able to claim a discount using the government’s plug-in car grant.

Despite the grant’s name, it provides discounts for business’ purchasing electric cars, vans, motorcycles, mopeds, taxis and trucks, providing they are on the eligible vehicles list.

The grant is worth 35% of the vehicle price for electric cars (up to a maximum of £3,500) and 20% of the vehicle price for electric vans (up to a maximum of £8,000).


Need further help financing one or more commercial electric vehicles? Here at Richmond Asset Finance we provide a range of flexible vehicle finance and asset finance services to help you grow your business. 

For more information about our services, or to discuss your requirements in more detail, give our team a call on 0113 288 3277.

Using livestock lending to improve the genetics of your animals

Whether you’re a beef or dairy farmer, improving the genetics of your herd has countless benefits to both your animals’ welfare and your profit.

If you’re considering increasing the size of your herd, choosing animals with superior genetics will increase the profitability of your investment.

Here are just a few of the key benefits of investing in livestock with superior genetics.

Improve animal welfare– Genetically superior animals should be healthy and resilient, giving them a better quality of life and making them a more ethical investment. 

Resist diseases– Disease in livestock has a devastating financial impact on farmers. Livestock with superior genetics are better at fighting disease, making them a more reliable investment.

Reproduction rates – Genetically superior livestock are a cost-effective investment as they are bred to have better fertility and survival rates.

Increased production– Farmers are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency and production rate of their livestock to elevate profits. Livestock can be bred with genetics that relate to traits like better marbling of meat, fat depth or muscle score to improve the value and appeal of the product.

Climate-friendly– Improve your farm’s social responsibility by factoring into your buying decision the impact that your livestock has on the environment. Livestock bred with a higher feed conversion efficiency emit less methane into the environment.

Feed efficiency– As well as being more environmentally friendly, livestock with a high NFE (net feed efficiency) rating can reduce animal feed expenses whilst increasing production rates to improve your margins.

Funding the purchase of livestock

Livestock lending services make growing and improving the genetics of your farm’s herds an affordable investment. Depending on your requirements, here at Richmond Asset Finance we offer both short and long-term livestock lending solutions. 

For more information or to discuss your requirements, give our team a call on 0113 288 3277.

How to get an agricultural mortgage

Agricultural mortgages are available to those wishing to buy their first farm, extend their existing farm, or purchase rural property or land for another purpose. 

Finding the right rural property or piece of farmland can be a challenge. Not only do we have a shortage of rural land, but prices have also sky rocketed since the recession. According to areportby Savills, the value of farmland increased by 277% between 2006 and 2016. 

With demand currently so high, if you do come across the perfect property or piece of land, you’ll want to seize the opportunity and snap it up as quickly as possible. Unless you have the money to purchase the land or property outright, you will probably require a farm mortgage for your purchase.

What is an agricultural mortgage?

Agricultural mortgages are designed to help with the purchase of farmland, farm buildings, and other agricultural properties.

Just a few of the property-types that they can be used to purchase include:

  • Working farms
  • Equestrian facilities
  • Country estates
  • Renewable energy sites
  • Other rural businesses

In some instances, you may also be able to use an agricultural mortgage to fund the conversion or expansion of a rural building, purchase assets for business growth, or raise funds to consolidate debts.

Agricultural mortgages work in much the same way as regular mortgages, with lenders usually loaning up to 80% of the value.

How to get an agricultural mortgage

Agricultural mortgages can be acquired from most high street banks, as well as from more specialist rural lenders.

Specialist lenders usually have many years of experience in the agricultural industry and a greater understanding of its challenges and opportunities. 

It’s important to shop around when looking for an agricultural mortgage to ensure that you receive the best advice, support, rates, margins, fees and terms.

If you require financial help in acquiring a mortgage, then a commercial bridging loan may be the flexible short-term funding solution that you’re looking for.

Get in touch with our team here at Richmond Asset Finance by calling 0113 288 3277 to discuss your requirements and find out more about our commercial bridging loans.

How farmers can overcome cash flow problems

Farmers must brush up on their financial management skills to tackle the industry’s current cash flow crisis.

Falling prices, tight margins and growing debts are all putting farmers at risk of running into serious cash flow problems.

A 2016 study conducted by the Prince’s Countryside Fund found that 49% of surveyed farm businesses were suffering from cash flow problems, and the problem has only intensified since then.

Cash flow is essential to any business’ financial security and ability to invest in new opportunities and grow. Farmers in financial difficulty should act immediately to free up money and resolve cash flow issues.

Review your budgeting– If your farm business is struggling with cash flow then it’s time to sit down and review your budget and financial plan for the year ahead. Cut all non-essential expenditure for the short-term and prioritise expenditure that will generate cash flow.

Chase debtors– If you have outstanding debts owed to you then now is the time to start chasing them. Poor accounts receivable management is one of the biggest causes of cash flow problems. Make sure that you have a process in place to encourage debtors to pay you on time.

Extend repayment periods– If you have loans outstanding then speak with your lenders to see if you can arrange to extend your repayment period to reduce your monthly outgoings.

Liquidate stored crops– Liquidating your stored crops isn’t a decision that should be made lightly, but if you’re in desperate need of an injection of cash it offers a quick way of putting cash in your pocket. This is only a short-term strategy and reserves should be built up again once you are out of immediate financial danger.

Defer large investments– Reign in the spending until you’re confident that your business is out of the danger zone. If you’re having problems with vehicles or machinery, try getting them repaired instead of replacing them until your cash flow is looking healthier.

Explore farm funding options– There are plenty of useful farm funding solutions on the market today that can help struggling farms to safely and affordably gain the cash flow they require to grow their business. Farm asset finance can help farmers to afford the new equipment or vehicles they need to work more efficiently, and farm asset refinancing allows farmers to free up money tied up in unused assets.

To find out more about the farm funding solutions available from Richmond Asset Finance, give our team a call on 0113 288 3277.

Using rural lending to diversify…

…into alternative livestock and crops

Rural lending opportunities could help farmers to boost their income by giving them the means to diversify into alternative livestock and crops.

Many farmers are feeling the pinch of increased competition, Brexit uncertainty, and the falling price of milk. In an uncertain economy and a changing industry, diversifying can bring in a valuable source of extra income.

According to Countryfile, over half of the UK’s farmers have now diversified in some form.

Some farmers are choosing to diversify into very different areas like leisure and tourism, which require significant investment to set up.  Diversifying into alternative crops and livestock is less of a jump, uses existing skillsets, and is often more affordable.

Alternative livestock and crop ideas

Here are just a few popular alternative livestock and crop diversification ideas to inspire your new venture.

  • Goat or sheep milk.
  • Quail or duck eggs.
  • Wild boar.
  • Ostriches.
  • Angora rabbit wool.
  • Llama or alpaca wool.
  • Edible flowers or herbs.
  • Pharmaceutical crops.
  • Free-from crops.
  • Pumpkins.
  • Christmas trees.

Rural lending opportunities

For many farmers, diversification is becoming a necessity to stay afloat rather than an option. Whilst diversifying can be daunting, the results can be exciting and rewarding.

For most farmers, taking the plunge and deciding to diversify is aprofitable decision. Some farmers even find that their side-project grows into their main business. However, finding the funds to set it up in the first place can be challenging.

Rural lending opportunities provide farmers with the means to expand and grow their business. Whatever your circumstances, it is worth speaking with a specialist rural lending business like our team here at Richmond Asset Finance to find out more about how our short-term and long-term rural lending services can help you to grow your business and income.

To discuss your vision in more detail, receive free help and advice, or find out what rural finance options are available to you, give our team a call on 0113 288 3277.

What effect could a no-deal Brexit have on the farming economy?

As a leaked cabinet letter warns of the chaos a no-deal Brexit could cause, we’ve looked at how it could affect the farming economy.

Earlier this month a leaked letter from cabinet secretary Sir Mark Sedwill warned that a no-deal Brexit could cause a 10% increase in food prices and a devastating UK-only recession worse than that of 2008.

This news came just days after the EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier warned that a no-deal Brexit is becoming more likely “day after day”.

As parliament currently work to try to stave off a no-deal outcome, we’ve looked at how this result could affect the farming economy.

The affects of a no-deal Brexit on the farming economy

Agriculture employs 3.8 million people and generates £113bn for Britain’s economy according to The UK in a Changing Europe. A no-deal Brexit is likely to throw the whole industry into turmoil, not just negatively affecting the farming economy, but Britain’s wider economy too.

Just a few of the potentially devastating effects a no-deal Brexit could have on UK farming include:

  • A ban on the export of animal products from the UK to the EU until the UK is granted approval.
  • Uncertainty over future import/export tariffs.
  • A ban on exporting organic products as the EU will no longer recognise UK organic certification bodies until approval is granted. Organic exports account for around 20% of the dairy industry’s total organic sales.

The process of applying for approval for export is not a quick one and can take months, during which time many farms would suffer significant losses that could put them out of business.

National Farmer’s Union president Minette Batters has warned that “a no-deal Brexit would be disastrous, not only for our farmers but for the public too” and that it should be “avoided at all costs”.

How farm finance products can help farms become more sustainable

The farming industry is under increasing pressure to operate more sustainably. Here’s how farm finance products can help farmers to achieve this goal.

Sustainability, climate change, and animal welfare are all hot topics. As vegan and vegetarian diets grow in popularity, more people are becoming interested in the environmental impact of agriculture, particularly the farming of cattle for beef. 

What is sustainability?

To be sustainable is to look after the environment and renew resources at a rate equal to or in excess of the rate at which you use them. In order to become more sustainable, farmers must adopt environmentally friendly practices and find ways to improve the efficiency of their processes.

Which areas of farming can this be applied to?

When looking at the way you run your farm there are likely to be many areas where you could make improvements to become more efficient and sustainable.

Just a few areas you may identify include:

  • Feeding livestock.
  • Breeding livestock.
  • Manure management.
  • Looking after soil.
  • Tools, tech, and machinery.

Tools and equipment for agricultural sustainability

As well as changing and improving existing processes, farm machinery and equipment play an important role in a farm’s sustainability.

If you are using old or outdated machinery, upgrading could lower your farm’s environmental impact. Modern machinery is often built to be more intelligent and efficient with sustainability in mind.

Just a few sustainability problems that modern machinery can solve include:

  • Machinery that produces fewer emissions.
  • Machinery that consumes less power and uses fewer resources.
  • Machinery that can apply chemicals with greater precision.
  • Micro-sprinklers and drip irrigation technologies to save water.
  • Smart technology like crop sensors and drones to improve efficiency of processes.

Farm finance products to fund sustainability

Adopting modern farm machinery isn’t just about being kinder to the environment, it also makes good business sense. Working smarter and more efficiently will also help to save you time and money, making modern farm machinery and technology an excellent investment for the future.

If you need help financing new farm equipment, then there are a variety of farm finance products on the market to choose from. The farm finance product suitable for you will depend on your current situation. 

Get in touch with our team of specialists here at Richmond Asset Finance for free farm finance help and advice by calling us on 0113 288 3277 to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Agricultural equipment that can help to lower ammonia emissions

Farmers are being encouraged to invest in new agricultural equipment and tools to help them to lower their ammonia emissions.

Particulate matter is a type of airborne pollution made from a mixture of small solid particles and liquid droplets including organic chemicals, dust, and acids.

Particulate matter can be inhaled and has been linked to several health problems as well as damage to wildlife habitats and wild plant species.

Agriculture creates a large amount of ammonia emissions, which play a key part in the formation of particulate matter. Levels of ammonia and particulate matter in the atmosphere are monitored closely by DEFRA.

What causes ammonia emissions?

According to Farmer’s Guardian, around 87% of the UK’s ammonia emissions come from farming activity.

Just some of the agricultural causes of ammonia emissions include:

  • Manure application.
  • Livestock housing.
  • Sewage sludge application.
  • Manure storage.
  • Fertiliser application.
  • Livestock grazing outdoors.

Tackling ammonia emissions

Ammonia emissions from agriculture have been in the spotlight recently after the government launched aClean AirStrategyearlier this year to cut air pollution. 

Farmers are being urged to invest in agricultural equipment and machinery that will help them to reduce their ammonia emissions.

To reduce emissions farmers need to find ways to retain the valuable nitrogen found within manure and slurry and then apply it using low-emission techniques.

Just a few types of agricultural equipment that can be used to lower ammonia emissions include:

  • Covers for slurry tanks and solid manure.
  • Specially designed livestock housing that reduces the amount of slurry exposed to air.
  • Low emission spreaders.

Funding agricultural equipment to lower ammonia emissions

You may be able to receive help and funding towards the costs of agricultural equipment to lower ammonia emissions through government schemes like the Clean AirStrategy, Countryside Stewardship Scheme, and Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme.

If you don’t qualify for funding or require further financial help, then Richmond Asset Finance provide a range of farming finance products to help you acquire the agricultural equipment you require. 

To discuss your requirements in more detail, give our team a call on 0113 288 3277.

Looking for Alternative Tractor Finance?

Here’s How Farm Finance Can Help

Growing a farm business much like any other business is no easy task if a business lacks the finance to fund growth. For these farms it is almost inevitable that financial help will be required at some point to grow the business.

Tractors are a critical component in the day to day running of a farm and one of its most important pieces of machinery. An unreliable or outdated tractor can impact on productivity and efficiency as well as cost the business money much as the opposite is true if you are purchasing a good, reliable up to date model.

A tractor can cost in excess of £250,000 which is a substantial sum for any business and even standard models can cost in the region of £80,000. So, like any investment decision, buying a tractor will require a careful assessment of the improvements it is likely to bring to the business and how it will impact on the bottom line.

Tractor purchases can be made in the form of lease or HP arrangements that provide farm business with a more flexible way to purchase machinery they need. Even if the business has sufficient finance to purchase these machines outright it, asset finance can still offer flexibility and help protect funds for a rainy day.

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