Asset Finance very often associated with the purchase of equipment or agricultural equipment for a business. This type of finance is used by organisations who have the need or the opportunity to grow their business but perhaps may not have the funds readily to hand or prefer to spread the cost over a longer term.

In other cases, a business can use assets they own – such as plant, machinery or vehicles – as security against a loan from an asset finance provider.

Where a business requires the purchase of a new physical asset the finance company will pay for the equipment, plant, vehicle or machinery and the client will pay a regular sum to the provider.

The item may eventually become the property of the business over time, depending on the sort of asset finance involved.

What is an asset?

An asset is an object or resource that has a value and can be converted into cash. Assets can be owned by a company, government or individual and can help these organisations to deliver their purpose or generate an income. 

Who is asset financing a good idea for?

Asset financing is suitable for a wide range of businesses and organisations, including sole traders and small to medium-sized enterprises, as well as larger companies and corporations. In the past, this tended to be an avenue only used by bigger businesses, but with the minimum levels of finance available being lowered, this has now become a more widespread option for all kinds of businesses seeking asset-based finance.

However, it should be noted that some providers tend to specialise in certain company types, such as limited companies, public limited companies (PLCs) or similar.