Asset Refinance
Richmond Asset Finance Limited can fund most type of individual Asset Refinance packages. It boosts a business’ cash flow by releasing cash against the value of a company’s existing assets. You therefore sell an asset to the leasing company for the current value, which then leases it back to you.
Additionally, asset refinance also protects the business from asset depreciation.
Asset Refinancing may be required to fund a deposit on a larger purchase or purely raising additional capital for cash flow purposes on a Non Status basis. Limited Companies, Partnerships or Sole Trader, whatever the case, we can help! We can provide Asset Refinance in England, Wales & Scotland.
Static or moveable plant, whether new or up-to 20 years old. Our refinancing solution enables you to boost your cash flow by releasing cash against the value of your existing assets. We are an experienced asset finance broker and will work with you to get the most from your refinancing facility.
Benefits of Asset Refinance
- Provides access to working capital that’s otherwise tied up on the business’ balance sheet
- The cash that asset refinance generates can be reinvested into further asset growth
- Protects your company from asset depreciation
The opposite list is not comprehensive, even if the asset is bespoke, we may still be able to help. All deals considered from £17,500 + VAT – £5,000,000. Most transactions are typically Hire Purchase or Finance Lease, with periods being between 12 – 60 months. All transactions are considered on individual merits. Lenders will take a view on CCJ’s, Defaults and Phoenix Companies.
Assets Considered
- Agricultural Machinery & Tractors
- Commercial Vehicles / Trailers
- Contractors Plant
- Engineering Equipment
- Print & Print Finishing Equipment
- Packaging & Labelling Machines
- Woodworking & Plastic Injection
New or up to 20 years old